Quick Shot: Mosque Skyline

Skylines in the United States are littered with tall buildings, construction cranes, and the occasional monument. Few religious sites are prominent (or tall) enough to become major components of the skyline.

This is not the case in Istanbul, Turkey. The city divides in half with a portion on the European and Asian continents. I was standing near the Asian side looking across the water to the European side when I realized that, from my vantage point (which was no place spectacular), the most prominent feature on the skyline was the minarets from Mosques.

It was early in the day, so the Mosques were all back lit, which I knew would make for an interesting black and white silhouette photograph. I underexposed slightly so that I could still get some of the detail in the buildings and this is my output once converted into black and white. The most prominent of the Mosques pictured is the famous Blue Mosque with it's six minarets.

I really like this photograph because it highlights the beauty of these religious sites and its a skyline that we're certainly not accustomed to seeing in the United States (or most of Europe!).

Shot with the Nikon D800 + Nikon 80-400mm lens.