First Day with the Leica SL

Thanks to the Leica Store in Mayfair (London), I didn't have to wait long after posting my Leica SL First Impressions to actually get my own. Leica was also kind enough to setup the camera and charge the battery for me so that I could take it shooting in London after purchase.

Like with any new camera, it takes some time to learn the buttons and figure out the 'ins and outs' of the controls, but it was the perfect day to put the camera through its paces. After starting with a walk through Soho, we walked to the Tate Modern and a Christmas market in that area before finishing with a nighttime stroll to Big Ben and Westminster. I had a chance to shoot in a bunch of different environments, including some nighttime and low-light, to really test several aspects of the camera - and I am SUPER impressed! In fact, as I downloaded the files into Photoshop last night, I kept saying "holy cow" and "wow" as I looked at the raw files; these are some of the nicest images I've ever seen come from a camera. Incredible dynamic range, sharpness, and detail. 

Stay tuned for a formal full review, but in the mean time, here's a sneak peak of my first day with the Leica SL.