Quick Shot: First 120mm Pup

Last week I decided to expand my camera collection with a Rolleiflex T White Face, which was one of the last models made in 1974 (by my math, it was about 4K away from being the last one!).

This camera takes 120mm film, which is a new format for me to work with, but that I'm really excited about. It's larger than 35mm film, but not as big and bulky as my 4x5 large format camera. 

I recently started trying to develop my own film at home, so yesterday I decided to burn a roll around my house playing with the new camera and processing techniques, figuring "what-the-heck" - better to play around with new gear and techniques when I am not traveling!

My dog, Juno, was a pretty good sport about posing and I got several decent negatives out of the process, but I'll share this one today. This weekend, now that I've gotten the practice out of the way, I'll take the camera out for some real work!