Quick Shot: Leeds Tower

I once purchased a book on abstract photography, and although I've never come close to creating anything like the book demonstrated, I do look for naturally occurring opportunities to create something more abstract.

Such was the case with this photograph, which was taken from inside a shopping mall in Leeds, England. The mall was semi-open air and had a very neat glass roof that created an interesting dome over the mall. I could have taken a hundred photographs with the interesting shape of the ceiling, but I focused on trying to make one great image. I couldn't tell you what stores are in the mall because I walked all three levels looking up the entire time trying to find the perfect shot. On one of the top floors, I found myself looking at this - a tower outside cutting vertically through the scene, while the natural curve of the roof made the windows and frame wrap horizontally. It was the sort of interesting geometric contrast I was looking to get!

To help balance the frame, I exposed for the clouds. This made them visible and "moody" while darkening the window frames and tower. The resulting image I think is very dramatic and geometrically intriguing. 

Shot on my Leica 35mm MP with a 75mm lens and Kodak Tri-X film.