ST Road Trip: Bryce Canyon Update

When we decided to include Bryce Canyon on our itinerary for the #ST_roadtrip, I made a point of wishing our arrival would coincide with a fresh snowfall in the canyon, as images of the brilliant orange rocks dusted with white snow were always my favorites. As luck would have it, our timing did coincide with a snowfall.... and a deep freeze. Temperatures in the area hovered at a daytime high of 10*F, and we had gone out photographing star trails when it was -8*F. But (assuming I wore every article of clothing I own) I had my chance to get those snow covered canyon images I dreamt of taking. This is one of a dozen images I made- I love how the snow accentuates all the detail in the rocks. Taken with the @leica_camera SL and 24-90mm lens.