Quick Shot: Sunset at Coniston

I have now been to England's renown Lake District twice - exactly a year apart - and my photographic experiences could not be more different between the two trips. The first time I went was the first experience I had shooting a Leica rangefinder and the weather was terrible. This time, I took the Leica SL and my Hasselblad 503CX and the weather was perfect. I really can say that I've had a chance to point my cameras at every conceivable weather pattern in the Lake District.

Since the weather was so perfect, I spent every evening setting up the camera for what I hoped to be a spectacular sunset photograph. I'll elaborate on my experiences with the particular sunsets in another post, but today I wanted to share an image from my last night in the Lake District. We decided to setup at the northern end of Coniston Water, a popular site with day travelers, but on this night, I had the whole lake virtually to myself. I mounted a neutral density filter to the front of the lens and took a long exposure, resulting in the flat water that reflects the pink in the sky beautifully. Although it's not a brilliant neon sunset, I love the soft pink light that filled the sky and water.

Shot on the Leica SL with 24-90mm lens, 36 stop ND filters, and Gitzo tripod.