Quick Shot: Camel Ride

Until a few weeks ago, I had never photographed, ridden, or even been in close proximity to a camel. Thankfully, Jordan has an abundance of these goofy animals, so I've scratched all three of those "to do's" off the list!

I didn't want my 'take a picture of a camel' item to be that simple - it's not fun if it's not a challenge. And everyone takes pictures of their funny little snouts. I wanted a camel photograph that captured everything I envisioned when I think about camels..... sand, hot, people riding, and Arab flare!

I was (barely) listening to our tour guide in Petra when I realized the sunlight was creating beautiful silhouettes with the camel riders on the bright orange rocks. I ditched the tour and began my quest to capture the perfect camel image using those silhouettes. Thankfully I took a bunch of shots - the camels were moving past really quickly and most of the shots are throw-away quality, but I nailed it on this one. 

Shot with the Leica SL and Leica 24-90mm lens.