Quick Shot: Rocks and Waves
Like my 10 minute photograph from a few days ago, this is a merge of several photographs to create a temporal photo. Unlike the one from earlier this week, this photo only represents about a minute of time because the sand kept shifting my tripod, making it difficult to keep everything perfectly stable.
Thankfully, three photos was all I needed to catch the drama of the waves and some nice clouds! This photograph was taken near the fishing pier at Leesylvania State Park and I used two stacked neutral density filters to create a long exposure. To create the final image, I merged these into a 32 bit photo in Adobe Photoshop Photo Merge. I then used Nik Silver Efex Pro to convert the photograph to black and white.
When I took this series, I wasn't optimistic about the outcome, but the final result was much better than expected! In fact, it's one of my favorites from the weekend.
The dramatic rocks and waves at Leesylvania State Park were captured with a merge of three photographs