
November was a totally insane month for Scenic Traverse Photography...... Let's recap:

  • End of my European tour (Austria, Germany, Hungary, etc)
  • Trip to Venice, Italy
  • Trip to Washington, DC
  • Trip to London
  • Prepare for a huge trip that I'll be announcing later this week....

Phew. I hardly ever unpacked a suitcase - clothes just moved from one to the next. But it was fun, and I've got a lot of images to share from November. So without further delay, I'm excited to introduce my latest photo series, titled v3nice.

The name 'v3nice' is a play on the fact that it was my third trip in as many years to the historic Italian coastal city. When you've been someplace as often as I've been to Venice, you need to take a new approach to your photography to ensure you capture something new and interesting. So I limited myself - I carried only my Leica M Monochrom and primarily used the 50mm Leica f/0.95 Noctilux lens. In a city as colorful as Venice, choosing to shoot only in black and white may seem absurd, but I promise, it was totally liberating. 

I also got creative with the format. There are some photographers who don't believe in cropping, but I have no issue with the practice. So I cropped most of these photos to an absurdly long and skinny (or tall and thin) crop of 6x17. The result is that you see slices of Venice, not whole scenes. I think it's a fun way to expose you to a city that is often photographed, but while offering a unique twist.

It's best to see this collection at once, so the images are laid out on a special page dedicated to the v3nice project. I hope to one day display these prints in a gallery, as the dimensions of the images would be a stunning visual, but for now, you'll have to enjoy them online.

To view the v3nice project, please click the image below. Enjoy. Then come back and leave a comment letting me know what you think!