ST Road Trip: Start of the Trip!

Well it was a long flight, but, all things considered, was a good one. Heathrow security didn't nuke my huge pile of film, our flight was on time, and our luggage made it without hiccup. Really, the only surprise of the day came from the cab driver, who was a bit pissy that we had all this luggage and were only going a few miles down the road. He was gung-ho to drive us until he heard the destination, then tried to play games with the tip. C'Mon man.

Anyway, we're working hard to adjust to the 8 hour time difference, do some last minute shopping  / errands, and preparing to start the adventure. There are so many logistics involved in a project like this - from having trail routes pre-mapped and downloaded to figuring out where there are grocery stores and when to re-stock. I am amazed that (so far) I haven't thought of anything we forgot to pack.... we'll be sure to post pics and videos with a tour of the van when we're all moved in!

Assuming we have a little bit of free time today, we'll try to visit Venice Beach and see that popular area of LA.

Make sure you keep an eye on Instagram and Twitter.... or keep coming back here!