Quick Shot: Moonrise
Kristen MitchellAssateague Island National SeashoreAssateague, Assateague Island, Assateague Island National Seashore, marsh, wetland, wetlands, moon, moonrise, moon rise, photograph, photography, Black & White, black and white, B&W
Quick Shot: Grazing
Kristen MitchellAssateague Island National SeashoreAssateague, Assateague Island, Assateague Island National Seashore, Island, Horse, Pony, Wild Horses, Wild Horse, Wild pony, wild ponies, black and white, Black & White, B&W, photography, horse, horses, grazing, eating, marsh, grass, grasses, quick shot
Quick Shot: Reflection
Kristen MitchellAssateague Island SeashoreAssateague, Assateague Island National Seashore, Assateague Island, Maryland, Willet, bird, wildlife, marsh, eating, reflection, gesture, photography, photograph, mirror
Quick Shot(s): Feeding
Kristen MitchellDyke MarshOriole, bird, birding, Orchard, Orchard Oriole, Yellow, yellow bird, bird nest, nest, baby, young, insect, feeding, bird feeding young, bird feeding nest, nikon, Nikon 80-400, Nikon 80-400mm, D800, Dyke marsh, virginia, marsh, wildlife, photography, bird photography, Quick Shot, better beamer, flash