Quick Shot: Camouflage
Kristen MitchellMason Neck State ParkSnake, water, water snake, pond, camouflage, disguise, nature camouflage, snake hunting, aquatic snake, snake disguise, snake camouflage, algae, mason neck, Mason Neck State Park, virginia, snakes
Video: The Residents of Assateague Island
Travel, VideosKristen MitchellAssateague Island National SeashoreVideo, Assateague, Assateague Island, Assateague Island National Seashore, Wildlife, Wild Pony, Wild Horses, Willet, Ibis, Egret, Great Egret, White Egret, Crane, White Crane, Gull, Seagull, Seashore, Marsh, Wild Horse, Wild Ponies, Ponies, Horses, Horse, Maryland, virginia, Virginia
Quick Shot(s): Feeding
Kristen MitchellDyke MarshOriole, bird, birding, Orchard, Orchard Oriole, Yellow, yellow bird, bird nest, nest, baby, young, insect, feeding, bird feeding young, bird feeding nest, nikon, Nikon 80-400, Nikon 80-400mm, D800, Dyke marsh, virginia, marsh, wildlife, photography, bird photography, Quick Shot, better beamer, flash